Get A Frosted Pantry Door With An Intriguing Design
Change the standard interior pantry door to something exciting
This homeowner recently remodeled the kitchen but the pantry door was bringing the whole remodel down a bit. Changing to a frosted 3 lite pantry door was just the fix they needed.
You cannot cut an interior to add glass because of the thickness of the door and the fact it is usually hollow. Because of this, it does involve changing the entire frame and the door. If you have ever changed out an interior door, then you would know it is much easier to change the entire frame rather than just changing the slab. Retrofitting just the slab takes specialized tools and special skills that many homeowners would not have in their toolbox let alone the experience to mortise the hinges and the door knob holes.
This particular interior door comes as a 1 lite or 5 lite. The glass is offered in different textures which we can show you in the showroom. The glass choice here is solid frosted glass for maximum privacy. Often times this is also used for bathrooms or interior bedroom doors. There are many different wood species choices but shown is the prime advantage ready to paint option.
These door choices also make great options for barn doors using barn door track hardware.
Want a unique pantry door?
Any interior door can be used as a pantry door. We have custom etched and themed interior doors also. Made in different size options and wood species options. Select from a variety of styles in our showroom. Take some rough measurements and come into the showroom. Many are in stock, however most are special order so don’t delay!
Need Interior Glass Doors?
Contact us today if you’re ready to transform your home into something extraordinary. Call 863–272–7311 (Lakeland) or 813–991–0028 (Tampa).